Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The John 6:35 Initiative

The John 6:35 Initiative started in 2010, by the members of Christ Anglican Church in Lexington, NC. Taking to heart the Lord Jesus’ words, “I am the Bread of Life” (John 6:35), the church made a commitment that, every week, each family would present $6.35 of food, or the cash equivalent, as a gift to feed the poor of their community. This is far more than a “food-drive”: the members saw this simple way of showing Christian mercy to those in need of physical food also kept the need of “food for the soul” uppermost in their minds, building their faith as they blessed others.

We believe the Lord has honored this modest and simple way for Christians to witness to their faith, by giving $6.35 of food or money each week, and we invite you to start a campaign in your church today! Details and templates for labels placed on food items, with space for including your church’s name, are available from this website, as well as worship resources and help to launch a successful campaign.

The John 6:35 Initiative is not the property of any person, church, or denomination: it is an Initiative of the Kingdom of God! We invite to you join us!

The John 6:35 Initiative

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