Friday, August 31, 2007

Colorado Student Files Lawsuit Over Commencement Speech That Mentioned Jesus

This is another case of the stalwarts of the left - public school administrators - have fired another shot in their war on Christianity.

A school board in Colorado is withholding Erica Corder's High School diploma, unless and until she makes an apology for making a comment during her commencement speech, encouraging her audience to "get to know Jesus Christ".

I am sure that they will argue that one of the "Religion Clauses" that has been interpreted (distorted) over the years applies. That may be the case if this young lady was a school official or other government employee, but as a private citizen she has a right to freedom of speech, regardless of the venue, but with the customary exceptions (like yelling "fire" to induce panic, etc.)

They go on to claim that she did not make the remarks during her speech rehearsal, and maybe she did not intend to utter those words until the last minute or at all, but may at that moment on the stage she was filled with the Holy Ghost as Mark 13:11 (KJV)

So let us all support and wish the Corder's Godspeed in fighting what amounts to extortion.

A point to ponder, If Erica had been a Muslim and had made any religious remarks, would she have been given a pass?

Colorado Student Files Lawsuit Over Commencement Speech That Mentioned Jesus

1 comment:

  1. A point to ponder, If Erica had been a Muslim and had made any religious remarks, would she have been given a pass?

    That's a fair question, all right. I suspect that in some school districts the "powers that be" would have been trying to find a pretext for doing just that--allowing those remarks to go unchallenged.

    Thanks for the link to "Prydain"--I have reciprocated and added your blog to my blogroll.

