Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Charles Frederick Frazier Mackenzie

(1825–62) was a Church of England bishop of Central Africa. He is commemorated in some Anglican Church Calendars.

He was born at Portmore, Peeblesshire, Scotland, the ninth son of Colin Mackenzie and Elizabeth Forbes. Anne Mackenzie, editor of all 31 years of The Net Cast in Many Waters: Sketches from the Life of Missionaries, London, 1866–1896, was his unmarried sister. He was educated at Bishop Wearmouth school and Edinburgh Academy, and entered St John's College, Cambridge in 1844. He migrated to Caius College, where he graduated B. A. as Second Wrangler in 1848, and became a Fellow of Caius. In 1855, he went to Natal with Bishop Colenso and served as Archdeacon in the area which now partly falls under All Souls Umhlali. They worked among the English settlers till 1859. In 1860, Mackenzie became head of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa and he was consecrated bishop in St George's Cathedral, Cape Town, on 1 January 1861. Following Dr David Livingstone's request to Cambridge, Bishop Mackenzie took on the position of being the first missionary bishop in Nyasaland (now Malawi).

Moving from Cape Town, Bishop Mackenzie sailed up the Zambezi and Shire rivers with a small group to start work. He arrived at Chibisa’s village in June 1861 with the goal to establish a mission station at Magomero, near Zomba. He directly opposed the slave trade causing the enmity of the Yao. Bishop Mackenzie worked among the people of the Manganja country until January 1862 when he went on a supplies trip together with a few members of his party. The boat they were travelling on sank and as their medical supplies were lost, Bishop Mackenzie’s malaria could not be treated. He died of Blackwater fever on 31 January 1862. Dr Livingstone erected a cross over his grave.

Propers for Charles Mackenzie - 29 January - Missionary and Bishop

Almighty and Everlasting God, we thank thee for thy servant, Charles Frederick Frazier Mackenzie whom thou didst call to preach the Gospel to the people of Malawi. Raise up, we beseech thee, in this and every land evangelists and heralds of thy kingdom, that thy Church may proclaim the unsearchable riches of our Saviour Jesus Christ; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The Lesson - Acts 1:1-9.

The Holy Gospel - St. Luke 10:1-9.


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