Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Graham Staines

Graham Stuart Staines (1941-January 1999) was an Australian missionary who was burnt to death while he was sleeping with his two sons Timothy (aged 9) and Philip (aged 7) in his station wagon at Manoharpur village in Keonjhar district in Orissa, India in January 1999. In 2003, the Hindu activist Dara Singh was convicted of leading the gang.

Graham Staines had been working in Orissa among the tribal poor and especially with leprosy patients since 1965.

Graham Staines - 22 January - Missionary and Martyr

Prayer -

Precious in thy sight, O Lord, is the death of Thy servants, whose faithful witness, by Thy providence, hath its great reward: We give Thee thanks for Thy martyr Graham Staines who purchased with his blood a hearing for the Gospel among the people of Orissa, India and for his wife, daughter and martyred sons, who shared with him in his work and witness; and we pray that with them we also may obtain the crown of righteousness which is laid up for all who love the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ; who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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