Thursday, October 29, 2009

I know what I will not be doing on 10/31/09

This is the kind of kookiness that gives Christians a bad name with the rest of the world.

I wonder if any or all of the BCPs are on the list? That would be rich.

h/t : Father Hollywood


Anonymous said...

That's even more ridiculous than the "hell houses" I referred to in my All Hallows' post.

The Midland Agrarian said...

You are right. That is REALLY kooky. I am thankful that the traditional BCP, which is 80% or so pure scripture, helps guard against such nonsense.

Kevin said...


I don't know about that, I have heard those "Hell Houses" can be really off-the-hook.


On further review I see that there is no mention of any BCPs on the "Burn List" . I am sure that this is an over-sight by the "Pastor" of this Congregation, he probably a "home schooled" preacher and never went to a seminary, judging by what I see on the website it is "Westboro Light".