Monday, September 15, 2008

Gov. Palin

Sara Palin is the greatest phenomenon in American politics since Ronald Reagan, she is the left's worse nightmare and embodies the future of the Republican party in ways the "Big Tent" could not have imagined.

I try to keep my political ideas and comments insulated from my religion blog and comments, but with this all out, brutal and uncivil assault by the left on Gov. Palin it is more than I can bear to watch, and not speak-out.

Here is an interesting little tid-bit that helps to put things in perspective, regarding Gov. Plain's so-called "lack of experience"

GOD Bless Sara Palin and GOD Save the United States.


Perpetua said...

Thank you for this!

The Midland Agrarian said...

I too am glad you posted this. Christians have an obligation to be involved in Politics (literally the "life of the polis"). There is an excellent sermon on this from Bishop Henry Scriven at the St Stephen's Sewickley website list of podcasts. (it particularly addresses the need to protect the unborn.

Kevin said...

Thank you for your comments and support.

MA, could you please give me a link to that podcast?

Peace and GOD Bless