Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Olde Anglican Quote for the Day

"The Anglican Way of Reformed Catholicism is based upon the Word of God written, the authority and supremacy of Scripture, but Scripture as received, preserved, and translated within the catholic Church, not Scripture interpreted by private judgment. So it is the Way which preserves the doctrine and character of the Early Church through its commitment to creeds, dogma, the Threefold Ministry, Liturgical Worship, canon law, government by synods, evangelization and so on. In fact, it has been well said that the genius of the Anglican Way, as it originated in the Church of England between 1549 and 1604, has never been to grow its own theological nourishment, but rather to prepare what is provided from elsewhere (e.g., from the patristic age, the medieval Church and the Continental Reformation) and to set it attractively and decently upon the table."

--- The Rev'd. Dr. Peter Toon, Doctrine as Doxology


John Edwards said...

Thanks for sharing this. I was saddened to learn of Fr. Toon's death; as this passage shows, he had a true understanding of, and love for, the classical Anglican heritage.

Kevin said...

Hello John,

Dr. Toon understood Book(s) of Common Prayer better than anyone in our time and although he help create a modern language version of the 1662 BCP for what will become ACNA, he truly believed that the 1928 US BCP was the best expression of the Anglican tradition.

The Midland Agrarian said...

Sad news indeed. My parish uses many of his gentle modern language revisions of 1928/1662 for our daily ofice.