(traditionally 4th-5th century) is a Christian saint first mentioned in the 8th century as being an early missionary among the Pictish peoples of what is now Scotland. For this reason he is known as the Apostle to the Southern Picts, and there are numerous dedications to him in those parts of Scotland with a Pictish heritage, throughout the Scottish Lowlands, and in parts of Northern England with a Northumbrian heritage. In Scotland, Ninian is also known as Ringan, and as Trynnian in Northern England.
Ninian of Galloway - 16 September - Missionary and Bishop
The Collect.
O GOD, who by the preaching of thy blessed servant Ninian didst cause the light of The Gospel to shine in the land of Britain: Grant, we beseech thee, that having his life and labours in remembrance, we may show forth our thankfulness unto thee for the same by following the example of his zeal and patience; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Epistle - Isaiah 49:1-6.
The Gospel - St. Matthew 28:16-20.
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