(from August 1st)
We read the story of Peter's deliverance in Acts 12:1-17. King Herod Agrippa I (grandson of Herod the Great, who tried to kill the infant Jesus (St. Matthew 2), nephew of Herod Antipas, who killed John the Baptist (St. Mark 6) and examined Jesus on Good Friday (St. Luke 23), and father of Herod Agrippa II, who heard the defense of Paul before Festus (Acts 25), acting probably in 42 AD, put the Apostle James bar-Zebedee to death, and imprisoned Peter with the intent of killing him also. But as Peter slept, chained to guards, an angel jabbed him in the ribs and said, "Get up, get dressed, and follow me." He led Peter out of the prison and a few blocks away, and there left him. Peter went to a house where many Christians had gathered to pray for him, got an interesting reception, gave them a message for James, kinsman of Jesus and head of the Jerusalem community, and left Jerusalem for a while. Soon after (in 44 AD, at the age of 34), Herod died suddenly.
As the LORD delivered the holy Apostle Peter from his chains in response to the intercessory prayers of others, may almighty God instill within us the grace to pray for delivery . . .from our sins, and of ... [His] mercy preserve us from all evil.
Propers for The Deliverance of St. Peter
The Collect.
O GOD, who didst deliver thy holy Apostle Saint Peter from his bonds and suffer him to depart unhurt: vouchsafe, we pray thee; to deliver us from the bonds of our sins, and of thy mercy preserve us from all evil. Through Jesus Christ or Lord and Saviour. Amen.
The Epistle - The Acts of the Apostles 12:1-17.
The Gospel - St. Matthew 16:13-19.
Reference and Resources:
Where did you find that picture? It's fabulous.
I did a Google image search for "Deliverance of Peter" and found several different copies of this image.
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